The "Three Great Evils" of Netherspirit's Claw—Bypassing to Centipede Cavern?

As more and more Tier 5 Summoners appeared, their "Ally Summon" (the ability to summon their teammates and comrades in) was also now more known by many. As it happens, Summoners were now getting more recognition and enjoyed better status amongst the game's community. And thus, they were increasingly included by various organizations in battles, ambushes and even treasure hunting.

The three clans—Fallen Angels, Bauhinia Clan, and Violent Army Clan were having a hard time defending the entrance earlier due to the Summoners' "Ally Summon". Two Tier 5 Summoners from Netherspirit's Claw suddenly activated a warp portal a few meters away from the valley's entrance when over a dozen Tier 5 Champions, clad in Dark Gold and legendary equipment, lined up from the portal.