Death Looms (2)

"Long Qi!" There was madness in Jun Wu Xie's eyes, her voice chilling to hear.

"I'm here!"

"The assassins have infiltrated the Imperial Palace, lead the Rui Lin Army in to save the Emperor!" Jun Wu Xie ordered with her eyes narrowed. The Emperor's expression had told her everything.

She wanted the whole Imperial Palace buried with her grandfather!

"Order all the soldiers surrounding the guilty officials' residences to spare none! Uproot all evil!" Jun Wu Xie's two orders made the Emperor turn white as a ghost.

It's over! All over!

"It will be done!" Long Qi sped off!

With two short sentences, Jun Wu Xie had forfeited the lives of the executed officials' families, while she nudged the beast to proceed to the gates of the Imperial Palace!

I'll kill them all!

Every single one!