Playing Judge (3)

The Emperor shut his eyes, unable to watch the horror before him.

He had thought, with Qing Yun Clan's might, Jun Wu Xie would not have dared to harm Bai Yun Xian. He realised he couldn't be more wrong.

Jun Wu Xie doesn't dare?

What a joke!

She was just as vicious to Bai Yun Xian as she was to Mo Xuan Fei!

Mo Qian Yuan was stunned and stood rooted to the ground, he had meticulously planned a variety of ways to force the Emperor to abdicate, and they were now all useless with Jun Wu Xie's simple and pure brutal ways.

"Wu Xie, what are you doing?" Mo Qian Yuan gulped and asked in a whisper.

Jun Wu Xie spared him a glance and laughed coldly: "Isn't it obvious?"

"….." He was utterly stumped!