Coercion (1)

Early the next morning, without waiting for the morning court to commence, the Qing Yun Clan forced their way into the Imperial Palace's main hall.

Mo Qian Yuan had just sat down upon the throne facing his officials and generals when the Qing Yun Clan's domineering entrance scared them into retreating back out of the main hall and Mo Qian Yuan's face darkened.

"Where is the Soul Jade?" Jiang Chen Qing had not noticed that their overbearing actions had trampled Mo Qian Yuan's position as the Emperor into dust, when they burst in without announcements or notice, and scattered the various officials and generals before standing in the middle of the hall making their demands.

It might not have escaped his notice, but he just did not care to extend any pleasantries to the ruler of such a tiny speck of a kingdom.

Mo Qian Yuan suppressed the discontent rising within and said smilingly: "You are very early. Men! Provide seats for our distinguished guests."