Third Slap (1)

Smoke filled the air outside of Lin Palace. A big group of the Rui Lin Army gathered in front of its gates, and facing them, were ten men from the Qing Yun Clan delegation.

"I say, let's not waste time. Your weak attempt at resistance is futile, and I'll advise you to hand over the Soul Jade peacefully and save yourself the pain and humiliation." A disciple of the Qing Yun Clan turned his wrist around repeatedly, a pair of black half finger gloves covered his hands.

He looked towards the Rui Lin Army soldier whom he had flung to land before the Lin Palace's gates with a single punch, contempt written across his face.

Behind him, there were three other disciples dressed in the Qing Yun Clan's livery, and six others dressed in individually different attire who were obviously top exponents from allies of the Qing Yun Clan who accompanied them on this trip to Qi.