Awkward (2)

Jun Wu Xie hurried back to the Lin Palace, where Jun Xian and Jun Qing had been waiting anxiously. They sighed in relief when Jun Wu Xie stepped in and Jun Qing had wanted to go up to her and ask about the situation at the Imperial Palace when Jun Xian held him back by the wrist, and said to Jun Wu Xie instead: "It's getting late, go wash up and get some rest. Everything else can wait till tomorrow."

Jun Wu Xie hesitated before she nodded silently. She hated looking like such a mess and all she wanted now was to go soak herself in a comforting warm bath and rid herself thoroughly of the blood and it's awful stench.

"Father….." Jun Qing looked at Jun Xian in puzzlement.

Jun Xian shook his head slightly and said: "Didn't you see how exhausted she looked?"

Jun Qing thought back and realised that Jun Wu Xie had looked to be fine, but her face had been rather pale.