Hidden Cloud Peak (1)

Ke Cang Ju looked sneeringly at Mu Chen and glanced at Jun Wu Xie. He did not see any joy on Jun Wu Xie's face but saw a frown in disapproval.

"Kid, it's your honour to be accepted into the Hidden Cloud Peak. If you are to reject me, you can get the hell out of Cloudy Peaks now."

From snatching to threats, Ke Cang Ju's methods were outrageously domineering and Mu Chen's face was dark with fury. The other Elders might not agree with Ke Cang Ju's methods but they all maintained their silence. Though Qin Yue tried to portray himself to treat the Elders equally, they all knew how much he favoured Ke Cang Ju.

Not to mention that Ke Cang Ju was snatching a favoured disciple from right under Mu Chen's nose, even if Ke Cang Ju were to cripple the lad called Jun Xie now, Ke Cang Ju would not be persecuted by the Qing Yun Clan.