Brother Hua (2)

Hua Yao looked at Jun Wu Xie in surprise, he had not expected to see such a young boy to be able to assess Ke Cang Ju's underhanded and malicious deeds in such detail after just spending half a day in the Hidden Cloud Peak. He saw that Jun Wu Xie was indeed extraordinary.

"Your guess is right on the mark. That is indeed Ke Cang Ju's modus operandi. He would bring in a few of them every other few days, and kills them all off slowly. Within the Hidden Cloud Peak, only those disciples dressed in the Qing Yun Clan's uniform are truly safe as they are wolves of the same pack, and know exactly how things work within the peak." Hua Yao affirmed, impressed by Jun Wu Xie.

"You came in last month?" Jun Wu Xie looked at Hua Yao, noticing the grave injuries on him, but compared to the others within this underground chamber, were far less serious, and at least he was conscious.