Orange Spirit (1)

The second day that Jun Wu Xie had come to the Hidden Cloud Peak, she and Qiao Chu donned the uniforms of the Hidden Cloud Peak disciples. To avoid raising unwanted suspicions, the both of them returned to the living quarters for disciples.

When they appeared within the courtyard wearing their new uniforms reserved only for Hidden Cloud disciples, the eyes of the other youths who had been tormented for two whole days nearly popped right out of their heads!

Those two brats had from the first day been lazy and avoiding work. When they were dragging their exhausted bodies to carry water, the two scoundrels had suddenly disappeared. And on the second morning, when they had been forced to bring their completely drained selves to water the herb beds, those two had been even more incorrigible!

They just decided to shut their eyes and fainted!

They had subsequently been sent to Elder Ke, to enjoy the Elder's treatment.

To return the very next day.