Fear Spreads (2)

Gao Xiong's face paled visibly. Those words could not have been any clearer. Ke Cang Ju had obviously insinuated that he would not be leaving without Ash Cloud disciples going back with him. The Ash Cloud Peak had lost Jiang Chen Qing's protective wing and if he persisted to go against Ke Cang Ju, he would in turn become the one in trouble!

"This….. this way please, Elder Ke." Gao Xiong steeled his heart as he uttered those hated words.

Hua Yao nodded in satisfaction and led Jun Wu Xie and Qiao Chu intrusively into the Ash Cloud Peak and walked obtrusively within.

The three of them attracted all the curious gazes from the disciples of the Ash Cloud Peak. In moments, Gao Xiong revealed Elder Ke's purpose of visit was to "select" disciples from among them and the news spread fast and furiously.