Storm Clouds Loom (1)

Without any signs of guilt or fear, "Ke Cang Ju" brought his disciples and appeared before the main hall.

One glance at them was all it took to make the other Elders almost jump up in anger. If it was not for Qin Yue's presence, they might have all charged at Ke Cang Ju and skinned him alive.

"Elder Ke, there is something we need to discuss today. Dismiss your disciples from here." Qin Yue said, after clearing his throat. He thought that Ke Cang Ju was getting more and more overboard with his actions. Why would he bring disciples to a meeting between the Sovereign and the Elders?

"Ke Cang Ju" replied offhandedly: "There is nothing they cannot hear, and since the Sovereign asked for my presence, here I am. As to whether I bring my disciples, that should not bother our Sovereign."

With his arrogant reply, the faces of the other Elders turned a shade of purple and even Qin Yue was visibly angered.