Storm Clouds Loom (3)

Several Blue Cloud Peak disciples rushed immediately, but before they could even touch an edge of Jun Wu Xie's clothes, Qiao Chu met them head on in a flash and jumped into their midst. A mighty sweep of his long legs sent them all flying into the air just as they had entered!

Qiao Chu's ferocious attack sent the people in the hall into a frenzy!

Both of the disciples that "Ke Cang Ju" brought were both rather bold and they had created quite a stir!

One had revealed before everyone present of the secrets shared between Qin Yue and "Ke Cang Ju" without flinching and the other had just attacked disciples of the Blue Cloud Peak and the blow had thrown the disciples out of the hall!

Fighting in the Sovereign's hall, Qiao Chu was undoubtedly the first one to dare do it!