Discipleship (1)

It was early the next morning when Jun Wu Xie awoke. Jun Wu Yao had disappeared once again and she walked outside. Ye Sha appeared before her.


Jun Wu Xie stared at the familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar face in silence.

"Master Wu Yao has left to seek something. Please do not worry and wait here for a period." Ye Sha said stoically.

Jun Wu Xie was thoughtful for a short moment before she guessed what Jun Wu Yao was seeking for.

He had mentioned yesterday that he would find a way to heal her soul to become complete again, but an incomplete soul was not that easily mended and what could have made Jun Wu Yao leave to seek can only be something that can heal her.

Jun Wu Xie felt a sudden warmth spread from her heart and only nodded to Ye Sha. Ye Sha then disappeared and his presence was completely erased in a moment.

The previous Ye Sha had done the same thing, protecting her in silence, and unnoticed.