I Did It. So? (2)

Qiao Chu and the others clenched their jaws tight, their hands closed tightly into fists, but did not say a single word.

They had been cursed like this many times before, and they could do nothing but restrain themselves and suffer their abuse.

"Give us a few more days please." Rong Ruo finally pleaded, his voice amicable.

Who would have expected that the leader of the youths suddenly spat on Rong Ruo's face! "Even if we were to give you months, you guys would never be able to come up with a single cent! Get out of the Phoenix Academy! We do not want beggars like you here!"

At that moment, a change came over the expressions on the faces of the four of them. Qiao Chu tensed up and he stepped forward in unsuppressable rage. However, he had taken only one step when Rong Ruo held his shoulders and shook his head.

"Oh? What was that? You want to hit me don't you?" The youth stared at Qiao Chu, his face sneering with contempt.