The Fan Brothers (2)

Jun Wu Xie looked at Fan Zhuo sitting before her and immediately realised the identity of the frail boy next to Fan Jin.

The Headmaster of the Zephyr Academy had two sons. The adopted Fan Jin and the other one was the youth looking smilingly at her, Fan Zhuo.

Fan Zhuo was the Headmaster's biological son but he was born with a weak body constitution compared to others. He was sixteen years old and seldom stepped out through his doors. Because of Fan Zhuo's weak body, the Headmaster could be said to have spared no efforts and spent endless riches on huge amounts of fortification medicine and elixirs to keep him alive.

To people outside, few knew what Fan Zhuo looked like and only knew he suffered from a weak body constitution.

Jun Wu Xie discreetly observed Fan Zhuo's countenance.