Malady or Poison (4)

One had fainted and another had suddenly appeared. Jun Wu Xie's hand that was still on Fan Zhuo's pulse suddenly had green veins showing vividly against her fair skin.

"If you don't want him to die, do as I say." Jun Wu Xie could not spare the time to explain anything to Fan Jin. She decided to take a gamble, on whether Fan Jin trusted her enough.

"You….." Fan Jin stared at the unconscious Ah Jing and turned his eyes to Fan Zhuo whose body was still rocked by violent spasms and a great struggle showed in his eyes.

Everything before his eyes signalled undeniable danger signs in his mind as no matter how anyone looked at the scene in front of him, they would only think that Jun Xie was delivering harm to Fan Zhuo.


"Just tell me what and I'll carry it out." A tiny voice in Fan Jin told him that he would not go wrong if he listened to Jun Xie.