Spirit Hunt (1)

Ning Xin was in the same carriage as Yin Yan. The carriage wheels rolled on and Ning Xin stared at the scenery speeding past outside the window as she said: "Are you certain that Jun Xie is here?"

Yin Yan replied: "I'm sure. I had people watch Fan Jin closely. Although Jun Xie arrived a little later, he got on the last carriage with Fan Jin."

"Oh?" Ning Xin turned, her beautiful features tinged with intrigue. "He really turned up. Seems like you did very well, having successfully incited him to come."

Yin Yan smiled but did not reply, his heart raging in anger.

He did not forget the words those disciples had brought back and related to him from Jun Xie that day!

Jun Xie had called him a dog!

The fists hidden within his sleeves were tightly clenched and Yin Yan's eyes flashed viciously.