Guardian Grade Spirit Beast (1)

Jun Wu Xie followed behind Ye Sha to gradually catch up with Long Qi and his men. After traversing through a large area of the dense forest, they finally came to a hidden lake nestled within the thick trees.

The lake's surface reflected the sun's rays looking like a massive pool of silver, its ripples stirring up bright brilliant stars as they shimmered within, a resplendent sight to behold. At the edge of the Spirit Moon Lake, several Spirit Beasts had their heads lowered to the water to drink and at the moment that the presence of Jun Wu Xie and her team were felt, the Spirit Beasts bolted and scattered in all directions, running into the dark cover of the trees, disappearing without a trace.

"This is the Spirit Moon Lake? But….. Where are Ning Xin and the Rui Lin Army's men?" Qiao Chu peered to look all around but could not see any other figures besides the Spirit Beasts that had bolted.

Jun Wu Xie turned to look at Ye Sha and Ye Sha suddenly frowned.