Consecutive Slaps – Third Form (3)

The hearts of Long Qi and his men jumped! And before they could even react, several figures suddenly appeared, having broken out through the trees!

Several good looking youths were seated upon the back of a humongous bear and they shot right past Long Qi and his men!

"Rolly! Hold the beast back! Brother Hua! Little Yan! Rong Ruo! Bring out your ring spirits!" Qiao Chu jumped off Rolly's back and bit down hard on the tip of his thumb. Blood flowed out from his thumb and he pressed it between his brows as he smeared the blood right between his eyes. A purple light flared out from his body the next moment!

A purple spirit!

Everyone else who had their eyes on the battlefield were all suddenly startled!

The purple spirit which had not been seen in the past century appeared right before their eyes at that moment! On top of that, it was a youth looking to be just sixteen or seventeen years old!