The Relentless Little Tail in the Shadows (3)

Jun Wu Xie's eyebrow raised slightly. The tiny sheep suddenly lowered its head and opened its tiny mouth and started to chew on the green grass around Jun Wu Xie's feet, seemingly savouring it exceptionally.

"This Spirit Beast isn't afraid of humans? Is it because its grading is beyond low?" Qiao Chu said laughing with tears in his eyes. This was the first time he had seen such a bumbling and foolish Spirit Beast. When other low grade Spirit Beasts sensed that humans were nearby, they would have ran and disappeared immediately without leaving a trace. But as for this little fella here, even after being repeatedly violated by them, it was still not afraid and still hanging around them.

And it was even feeding itself happily in enjoyment!

Wasn't it afraid that they might kill it?