An Auction for the Filthy Rich (3)

"The elixirs this time are different from those before." Jun Wu Xie said calmly, throwing a whole bucket of cold water on Qiao Chu.

That time at the gates of the Zephyr Academy had left her with no other choice or she would not have taken out those elixirs that could develop and improve veins and arteries.

"But, they would still fetch a hefty price wouldn't they? Seven bottles should still at least fetch us a hundred thousand taels at least, wouldn't it?" Qiao Chu asked, scratching his head, feeling a little less sure.

Jun Wu Xie shot him a glance. "Who told you that I am selling them by the bottle?"

"Huh?" Qiao Chu was even more confused.

Hua Yao shook his head helplessly. He could not bear to see Qiao Chu display his stupidity a moment longer.