Seventh Slap (14)

*this chapter contains rather gory descriptions. Reading discretion is advised for those a little squirmy or those with rich vivid imaginations. You have been warned!

In an era where a woman's worth was judged largely based on beauty and poise, which girl especially one who was just budding in her youth would not treasure her looks? However, Long Qi's mercilessly cruel whip seemed wholly intent on completely destroying that beautiful but hypocritical face!

Ning Xin was crying blood in her heart, pleading and begging, for all the countless pairs of judgemental eyes directed at her were seemingly telling her how hideous and repulsive she was looking now.

[Do not look...]

[Do not look please! ! !]

Ning Xin was screaming in her mind, her looks, her pride, were being crushed into dust at that moment. Everything she held dearest to her heart, was being torn away from her.