Deadly Land (2)

Hidden within the confusing mist, not only were there the deadly poison and the sinkholes that swallowed up everything, fearsome beasts walked under its all reaching cover!

Those ferocious and powerful monsters had caused Mu Qian Fan to face utter despair and Jun Wu Xie was not about to let down her guard. Lord Meh Meh was her hidden trump card on this expedition.

Having rejected the idea of using Lord Meh Meh to scout the path ahead, Jun Wu Xie pulled out another three segment nunchuck from her Cosmos Sack. She was well prepared and she wasn't afraid that she would not have enough of them to use.

Continuing to prod and probe the mossy ground going their way forward, the three segmented nunchucks in Jun Wu Xie's Cosmos Sack decreased quickly in number. As they advanced, they found that the density of the sinkholes in the ground had increased in terrifying numbers!

After walking a whole day, they did not even manage to cover a single kilometre.