Escape from Heaven’s End Cliff (1)

"Where could Little Xie be?" Within the dark foggy mist, a circle of light shone brightly, bringing forth a small area of illumination moving forward slowly.

Qiao Chu was holding a long staff in his hand, as he struggled to walk over the damp and wet moss.

The fluttering Hell Butterfly glittered as it came flying in from the gloomy darkness towards the light surrounding the companions, coming to a rest on Rong Ruo's fingertip.

"Didn't find anything." Rong Ruo reported with her brow frowned in a deep crease. Ever since the day that they were attacked by the monster, they were suddenly separated when a powerful whirlwind had caught them in it, flinging them all in different directions. When Rong Ruo awoke, she had immediately released her tiny Hell Butterflies to search through the blinding mist for any signs of her companions.