Ominous Clouds Loom (1)

The tiny dwelling in the little bamboo grove was occupied once again but this time, the one living with Jun Wu Xie was not Fan Zhuo, but Gu Ying. It was not known what method Gu Ying used that he was able to make the loony Ah Jing really begin to serve him. Their daily three meals were prepared by Ah Jing and everytime Jun Wu Xie saw Ah Jing, Ah Jing would always glance just once fearfully at her and immediately lower his head. And whenever Gu Ying appeared, Ah Jing would just start to tremble violently.

"It has already been two days since Senior returned. Aren't you intending to make a trip back to the Spirit Healer faculty to take a look?" Gu Ying had just pushed the door and entered Jun Wu Xie's room without leave as he asked with a big smile on his face.