Eighth Slap (20)

Jun Wu Xie's spirit power was completely drained the very next moment. She had initially joined forces with Fan Zhuo and they had managed to suppress the opponent completely. But as her spirit power began to wane as the battle worn on, their opponent had quickly detected it and grasped at the opportunity before Fan Zhuo could react in time to shoot out a bright burst of spirit energy directly at Jun Xie!

Fan Zhuo heart skipped a beat and he wanted so much to block it but it was too late!

He saw that the burst of spirit energy was about to smash into Jun Wu Xie but before he could even blink, Jun Wu Xie suddenly disappeared for her spot!

Jun Wu Xie had braced herself to receive the attack and suffer the pain that was to come, but unexpectedly, the pain did not manifest upon her body in the slightest. In fact, what she felt was the exact opposite. She found herself suddenly wrapped tightly in a familiar and comforting warm embrace.