Banquet (4)

The six from the Zephyr Academy were like as if accursed. Within the entire banquet, masses of disciples from the other academies were pointing and whispering about them. The Zephyr Academy had already been a "hot topic" this year and with Lei Chen's favoured treatment showered upon them, they were immediately thrown into the muck.

To be fair, the six of them possessed outstanding looks, but to all the other youths there, they couldn't find it in themselves to like them. Afterall, they were all here to compete and outshine the others in the Spirit Battle Tournament, and before the competition had even begun, the people from the Zephyr Academy had already gained the Crown Prince, Lei Chen's favour, how could they be expected to be happy about it?

"Meow~" The black cat was lying on Jun Wu Xie's lap, its sharp ears listening to those barbed and barely veiled sarcasm, as it swung its tail slowly in the air.