Zephyr Shines Again (1)

Jun Wu Xie looked at the face that was so red it seemed it was almost cooked of Qu Ling Yue's and an eyebrow of Jun Wu Xie's raised up. After waiting for some time, Jun Wu Xie saw that Qu Ling Yue still did not speak up but just continued to flush red before suddenly turning away and running away in escape, her hands covering her face.

"….." Jun Wu Xie found that she really could not understand the actions of people.


[What's wrong with her?]

The little black cat leapt up onto Jun Wu Xie's shoulder, lazily swishing its tail.

Jun Wu Xie raised her hand up to scratch at the little black cat's chin, pushing the thoughts of Qu Ling Yue's strange actions out of her mind.