Apologies, It’s My Turn (4)

What kind of a joke was that! ? Jun Xie was just an absolute monster! What was the Crown Prince even thinking! ? How could he even think that that demonic monstrosity would not be able to advance through the rounds in this tournament! ? There was absolutely no need for him to secretly ask those contestants to forfeit their matches! Doesn't the whole thing look like a joke to everyone now?

Those youths who had firmly believed that Jun Xie had committed those dastardly deeds because he had been weak and helpless suddenly found their minds unable to comprehend the situation at hand.

With Jun Xie's spirit power level, he would be able to effortlessly overwhelm any opponent in under a second, why would he even need to go through all that hassle?

On the battle stage, the spirit power glow around Jun Wu Xie had already dissipated. She quietly adjusted her clothes and calmly turned to look at the announcer who was standing at the side with his mouth wide agape.