Prison Visit (1)

When the horse carriage reached the Crown Prince's Residence, Jun Wu Xie left together with Qiao Chu who had remained behind to wait, refusing Lei Chen's invitation to have them stay for dinner.

Jun Wu Xie returned with Qiao Chu back to the Immortals' Loft where Fan Zhuo and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"How was it?" Fan Zhuo very naturally poured out a cup of warm water, and brought it before Jun Wu Xie.

"There is more in it than meets the eye in this matter." Jun Wu Xie said, accepting the proffered cup of water to moisten her throat.

"Have you noticed anything from it?" Fan Zhuo had complete confidence in Jun Wu Xie's medical skills as he himself had been a patient of hers.

Jun Wu Xie nodded, but did not show any intentions of further elaborating on it.