Face Slap – Ninth Form (6)

As to what exactly happened here, Lei Chen would have guessed it in his heart. But regardless what he thought about the matter, it was still an internal issue that happened within the Yan Country and Lei Chen wouldn't want to see the Thousand Beast City develop any enmity against the Yan Country because of this.

Lei Chen narrowed his eyes and even though his thoughts echoed Imperial Physician Li's, he didn't really want to save the bunch of quack doctors before him. But as the matter would still ultimately affect the relationship between the Yan Country and the Thousand Beast City, he wouldn't stand to gain anything if that relationship soured because of this.

Just as Lei Chen was about to open his mouth to say something, he suddenly saw Jun Wu Xie's cold clear eyes and he froze in that instant.

Jun Wu Xie was obviously telling him not to get involved in the matter.