Sacrificial Blood Rabbit (3)

The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit had clung itself onto Jun Wu Xie. After feeling that the crisis had been defused, the scarlet blood shade soon faded from its fur, turning itself back to its form as a soft and cuddly big eared rabbit. It had seemingly realized that Jun Wu Xie was a little more gentle to it in its frail and weak big eared rabbit form. After the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit changed back, it immediately plopped down on the bed, it looking pitifully at Jun Wu Xie as it whined mournfully, the sound so soft that it was almost too painful to hear.

Jun Wu Xie had not wanted to bother herself with it, but seeing that frail looking little bunny with its body all covered with wounds, her heart softened and she walked over to the bed to carry it up. She carefully inspected its wounds and when she was certain that they were fine, she finally sighed in relief.