Challenger (2)

Early the next morning, Jun Wu Xie brought Lord Meh Meh with her, to go to the Spirit Beast Arena.

The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit had wanted to tag along but its body still had not fully recovered. Even when it whined pitifully and tried to act as cute as it could, Jun Wu Xie had remained stoically unmoved. So, it had had no choice but to stand by the window as it looked at Jun Wu Xie's back, waving its little paw sadly.

Qing Yu had been waiting outside the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall gates for a long while and when he saw Jun Xie appear, he gave sighed helplessly to himself.

"Are you really going to go there today?"

Jun Wu Xie nodded.

Left with no other choice, Qing Yu sighed again in helplessness and led Jun Xie towards the Spirit Beast Arena in resignation.