A Young Girl’s Heart (1)

In the subsequent few days in the Thousand Beast City, life could only be described as dry and uneventful for Jun Wu Xie. She almost never left her room and even Qing Yu did not see not see any sign of Jun Xie in the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall.

Everytime he suggested to Jun Xie to bring him out on a tour of the Thousand Beast City, he was quickly rejected by Jun Xie.

That had however freed up some time for Qing Yu to deal with some of the tasks his position required of him that had accumulated up previously.

Qu Ling Yue came down to the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall on the fifth day after Jun Xie came to the Thousand Beast City. She knocked on Jun Xie's room door as she stood uneasily before it.

"Young Master Jun, are you in there?"