A Young Girl’s Heart (3)

When she felt Jun Xie's slightly cold hand placed over her forehead, Qu Ling Yue's face quickly turned even redder!

"You….." Jun Wu Xie could feel that Qu Ling Yue's forehead was getting rather warm and she was just about to take her pulse when Qu Ling Yue suddenly stood up with a swoosh.

Qu Ling Yue's face was so red that her face looked like it was about to burst. She stood there in a fluster, her hands twisting helplessly together before her.

"I….. I….. I am fine….." Qu Ling Yue stuttered nervously. When Jun Xie had been standing so close to her earlier, she had felt like her heart was almost going to jump out of her throat.

Jun Wu Xie looking puzzledly at Qu Ling Yue's rather strange actions, unable to understand why Qu Ling Yue was reacting like this.