Birthday Banquet (4)

Qu Ling Yue's mind was in a whirl and it was a while before she managed to regain her senses. And when she opened her eyes to look, she nearly fainted away in shock once more.

[She….. She….. She was actually….. In Jun Xie's….. arms!]

In that instant, Qu Ling Yue's mind went completely blank. She was in a hapless fluster as she struggled to "escape" out of Jun Xie's embrace, her face flushed a bright red, her expression almost tearing up, so embarrassed she almost sobbed on the spot.

"….." Jun Wu Xie looked at Qu Ling Yue, feeling greatly puzzled, as she was confronted by such a reaction like she had not seen before.

She had just reached out reflexively, and because both her and Qu Ling Yue were girls, she thought that there wasn't anything to it.