Apologies, Am Not In a Good Mood (1)

Those fragmented memories, had been squeezed into his mind and without a hint, he would not be able to recall any of it. Those memories seemed to be his, yet not really exactly his. The feeling made him feel rather deranged and made Ye Sha unable to switch back immediately.

It seemed like there was such a scene, upon the Cloudy Peaks, everything his eyes saw, was through blood.

In the courtyard, the pattering of footsteps reached their ears. Ye Sha and Ye Mei immediately disappeared from their spots.

Xiong Ba was still feeling a little worried and unable to tolerate the nerves gnawing at him any longer, he dragged Qing Yu along with him to come to the courtyard that Jun Xie was staying at. Although he was hesitant to come disturb Jun Xie, but he felt that he should at least come find out what had happened.

In the end, Xiong Ba's foot had just stepped into the courtyard when he saw a immensely handsome looking man standing right before Jun Xie's door!