Jun Wu Xie’s Persistence (2)

If she chose to seek Jun Wu Yao's help against these enemies right before her, then all that she had promised before would turn to become a joke.

"And if the ploys turn out still insufficient?" Jun Wu Yao's eyes were fixed on Jun Wu Xie.

"Utilize all that I am able to summon, use all that I am able to make use of. If that still does not work, I will retreat from the vanguard and bide my time as I build my strength, and when the time is ripe, I shall then stride forth to crush the enemy!" Jun Wu Xie's eyes said, as her eyes flashed with the light of steely determination.

The journey she needed to embark on to go back home, had to be completed by herself, in order for her to gain enough strength to face all her enemies. Only when her own powers grew, would she be able to deter all those powers who seeked to snatch her ring spirit from her. That was the only way she would be able to, with her own hands, protect her family she held so dear, from any harm.