You’re Kidding (2)

Ye Sha and Ye Mei sent in the food very quickly into Jun Wu Xie's room. Compared to that pair's culinary skills, the food brought in earlier from the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall's kitchen could really only be described as totally unpalatable.

Finally being able to eat, Jun Wu Xie did not say a single word.

Jun Wu Yao looked at Jun Wu Xie's profile as she enjoyed the feast and even before picking up his chopsticks, he already felt full.

Before they had even finished the meal, a knock sounded on Jun Wu Xie's door and Jun Wu Yao got up to open the door.

Qing Yu who was standing outside, had upon seeing Jun Wu Yao's attractive looking face which had a smile plastered upon it, immediately shivered involuntarily.

"Is anything the matter?" Jun Wu Yao's face was smiling, but the gaze from that pair of eyes seemed to be telling Qing Yu, [Report if there's something, scram if nothing.]