Severing All Ties (2)

[Blue spirit….. How is it possible…..]

The person who had released that blue spirit energy, was actually a thin youth who looked to be fourteen or fifteen. That was just too unbelievable!

Xiong Ba was even more surprised, his gaze in shock as he gaped at Jun Xie. He remembered when they were in the Fire Country's Capital City, Jun Xie had only had powers of the green spirit. But in less than a month since then, the youth had become a blue spirit?

Such speed for spirit power level breakthroughs, was truly unprecedented from ancient times and won't be replicated in the future, which smashed the perception of everything all the people in the crowd had ever known!

At this current time where the Purple Spirit was almost extinct, the indigo spirit was considered to be the most powerful existence, and just one step below the indigo, was the blue spirit…..

Casting their eyes to see throughout the world, had there ever been a blue spirit as young as this?