The Despicable Got Their Way (5)

Under Ye Sha guidance, Qiao Chu and Hua Yao came to the inn that Jun Wu Xie was staying at.

When Qiao Chu pushed the door open to enter, his face was still slightly tinged with resentment against the Thousand Beast City's betrayal. And as the door opened and he saw the person inside the room, he was completely stunned.

Jun Wu Yao sat gracefully upon a chair by the window, the moonlight spilling over his body that streamed in through the window. He was supporting his chin in one hand as he watched Jun Wu Xie at the side, a faint smile playing across his lips, a sight so beautiful it looked as if it was from a painting.

The moment Qiao Chu saw Jun Wu Yao, his mind went completely blank.

"Big….. Big Brother Wu Yao….."

Jun Wu Yao lifted his head slightly to look at Qiao Chu and Hua Yao at the door and smiled at them.