Face Slap – Eleventh Form (6)

"Ha ha! I'm afraid you do not even know this. When I captured that little lass, all that her little heart was thinking was about you! When she was being tainted, she was weeping and crying out your name at the same time! Ha ha, but what a pitiful thing, no one came to save her at all." Qu Xin Rui's face was twisted up and tinged with a little bit of madness, as she stared venomously at Jun Xie, feeling unjustly aggrieved.

"Do not blame me for being so hard hearted. Who asked you to reject my advances so callously but was being so friendly with that little slut. Whatever is denied to me, nobody else can dream of getting it." 

Qu Xin Rui seemed like she wanted everyone present to know about what Qu Ling Yue had been put through, as her voice spread to the outside of the Thousand Beast City's gate.

Everyone who stood there, had all heard of what Qu Ling Yue had gone through, loud and clear!