Face Slap – Eleventh Form (9)

Xiong Ba and the people in the crowd found themselves suddenly bathed in cold sweat. They wanted to stop the attack but with their measly powers, they were finding it difficult to even see Qu Xin Rui's movements, and they could forget about wanting to stop her.

However, at the very instant that Qu Xin Rui was just about to reach before Jun Xie!

Several figures had suddenly appeared right in front of Jun Wu Xie! They received the full brunt of the attack from Qu Xin Rui and her men!

Purple coloured spirit power light flashed in midair, and five youths with purple spirit power emanating from their bodies appeared suddenly before everyone's eyes!

Having five Purple Spirits appear at the same time made the entire Thousand Beast City fall dead silent. Everyone was staring in shock with their mouths wide agape as they looked at the five highly handsome looking youths.