Getting a Wife (4)

Before this, those who had still been secretly thinking whether Jun Xie would just wed Qu Ling Yue carelessly in haste to merely get it out of the way, had upon seeing the extremely grand and elaborate team for the reception, immediately shut their mouths.

They could only silently grit their teeth, and look upon the girl they held in shame, as she was given to enjoy the wedding that all the girls could only dream of!

Within the Heavenly Cloud Chambers, Qu Ling Yue was dressed in an intense, fiery red wedding dress, standing highly ill at ease by the window. Outside the tightly locked window, the celebratory sounds of gongs and cymbals floated in, as her nervous hands tugged hard at the elaborately and intricately embroidered wedding dress, her hands covered in cold sweat.

With visibly trembling hands, she finally summoned enough courage to push open the window!