Drunk Lotus VS Poppy (3)

After waiting it out for awhile, the room inside grew quiet. Jun Wu Xie estimated that the time was about right and she stood up to walk over, pushing the door open.

Upon opening the door, the scene that burned into her eyes, made her become speechless another time.

She saw the topless Drunk Lotus stradling over Poppy, one hand gripped upon Poppy's clothes collar. Pinned down upon the ground, Poppy was looking highly disheveled, pieces of his fiery red robe scattered around him, a stark contrast against his pale skin, and long black hair that lay strikingly upon the floor.

That scene, looked just too devilishly ambiguously shady. 

"Huh? Drunk Lotus, this is just really….. Ahem." Having been ravaged by Drunk Lotus before, the little black cat had upon witnessing that scene, showed a knowing look on its face that said "so it's that kind of relationship, I see".