The Wind Kicks Up (1)

Drunk Lotus was glaring at Poppy from the side as he bent to pick up the things that had fallen out in a scatter all over the floor from Little Lotus' bib and put it all back. The little bib had morphed into his shirt which had fallen to the bed when he appeared and he reached out his hand to pick it up before draping it over his shoulders. He now sat down propping a leg over his other knee, an expression of disdain on his face as his eyes remain fixed upon Poppy.

With their beastial instincts, Lord Meh Meh and the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit knew to keep a respective distance away from Poppy. Compared to Little Lotus whom they felt would be highly delicious, Poppy was in their eyes, worthless. A type that they would not even be willing to go bite on. The fact that the two dumb beasts were so highly protective of Little Lotus, could very well be due to the fact they were just defending their source of food.