Be Good and Let Me Stroke You a Little (1)

The wheels trundled along as a convoy of carriages traversed into the Condor Country. A handsome little boy poked his head out from within one of the carriages to peer at the passing scenery within the Condor Country, his big pair of eyes highly filled with childish innocence.

"This is the Condor Country? It lives up to its name as the second biggest country across the lands indeed, filled with such breathtaking views of its majestic mountains and grand lakes." The little boy exclaimed with his head resting upon the carriage window, staring at the beautiful scenery fleeting past, his eyes wide with delight.

Inside the horse carriage, an elderly man roughly about the age of sixty shook his head as he smiled helplessly, and gave out a long sigh to say.

"Your Majesty should be a little more careful as the carriage is rather bumpy and not get yourself hurt."