To be Slayed (2)

The previously steady and dignified Grand Tutor He had now fallen into such a wretched state!

The soldiers from the Condor Country completely disregarded Grand Tutor He's curse. They had already raised up their sharp swords high, and were about to thrust them towards Grand Tutor He!

However, just at the very first instant that the swords pierced through Grand Tutor He's skin on his chest!

A humongous black shadow barreled right into the group of soldiers from the Condor Country! 


The massive black beast was like a black bolt of lightning, tearing the soldiers grabbing onto Grand Tutor He into shreds in an instant. Quickly throwing the severely weakened and completely limp Grand Tutor He onto its back, the black beast leapt up at an extremely fast speed onto a rooftop at the side, speedily disappearing from sight before the soldiers' eyes, and the soldiers flew into a sudden panic as they searched all over the place in a fluster.