A Little Flustered (1)

[That's not enough!]

[Not in the least!]

[He longed for more.]

Jun Wu Yao suddenly got up, carrying Jun Wu Xie to stride with wide steps further inside the room. He gently propped her up to let her limp body lean against his shoulder.

It was just a few steps' distance, but Jun Wu Yao's forehead beaded with perspiration. He set Jun Wu Xie down gingerly upon the bed, his strong arms extended while holding Jun Wu Xie on both shoulder to set her down. He looked down at Jun Wu Xie lying upon the bed, with her eyes still misted over.

Beads of perspiration rolled down from his forehead, dripping onto Jun Wu Xie's neck.

The crystal clear beads of sweat flowed down the incredibly fair and flawless skin. Inch by inch, Jun Wu Yao's gaze was led, till the clear beads soaked into the black hair.