A Little Flustered (4)

Ye Mei had turned to stone, and the little black cat had frozen with shock.

It would never even in its dreams have thought, that its bumbling little Mistress would…..

[Have learnt to forcibly go kiss a man!]

[Its world had been turned into one from an alternate fantasy realm and it needs some quiet now!]

The little black cat moved shakily as it followed behind Jun Wu Xie to return back to her room. After reaching back, its mind was still filled with the persistent image that it had witnessed earlier.

[What happened to its Mistress?]

[Has she been influenced by the great Demon Lord's sinister ways?]

[Mistress! Snap out of it quick!]

"I don't abhor it, and had even liked it. To me, he is different from any other person." Jun Wu Xie was seated upon a chair, coming to a conclusion after the prior clarification she had just gone to seek.

The little black cat lay upon the ground, shedding tears in abject silence.